Boone County Kentucky Historical Society

Dueling Oath in Boone County, 1824

Oath of Office. 1824.

(transcription - originally hand-written)

Commonwealth of Kentucky

        Boone County sct.

                This day Enoch Anderson personally

appeared before me a Justice of the Peace for the County &

Commonwealth afsd. and made Oath that he has neither

directly nor indirectly given, accepted, or knowingly carried

a challenge to any person or persons to fight in Single

Combat or othrwise with a deadly weapon either in or out

of this state since the first of September 1821 and that he

would neither directly nor indirectly give or accept of

knowingly carry a Challenge to any person or persons to

fight in Single Combat or otherwise with any deadly weapon

either in or out of the state during his continuance in office as

an enfign.  Which is hereby certified according to law.

Given under my hand this 10th day of Nov 1824

                                       Ch. Chambers {JPBC}


    afsd. = aforesaid.

    {JPBC} is a handwritten seal. = "Justice of the Peace.  Boone County"

[Researched and scanned by James K. Duvall.]